IOTA ULTSCH | Relaunch

After a much needed break from SL for a few months I decided to relaunch my main store on mainland. There’s something about mainland that really does it for me. I think it has very much to do with two things…I like to re-experience my humble beginnings in Second Life, and the second is more to do with architecture. We architects like a design challenge. From difficult land locations and sizes, to the prospect of engaging with visual opportunities, (like glimpses of protected waterways), whilst trying to block unsightly neighbouring builds, it’s all about creating that perfect space, that my clients can enjoy.
I think I’ve achieved something quite beautiful that I hope to share with you on your next visit.

To launch my new store I have created a new group called: “IOTA ULTSCH HAUTE COUTURE”. You are invited join and be spoilt with gorgeous gifts available to group members only, including information of my latest releases.

The first release of my collection for Summer 2014 is quite a naughty little number in chain mail, called “I’m in Chains”.
The dress was placed in store recently and it’s selling like crazy! I should do more near nude numbers!

Do come in and peruse the collection. I look forward to seeing you.

The SLurl to my new store is:
